a little info about our items

Very often the pieces destined for the shop pass through my house along the way.  Most recently I’ve had six painted and parcel gilt side chairs wander through my dining room.  Last night as I was turning down lights I was struck by the wonderful gleam of the gilding in the soft low light, the gilding itself gave the impression of illuminating.  In a world lit only by candles this would be visible in a way that it is not under the glare of modern lighting (don’t even get me started on LED’s).  Silk and satin fabrics are transformed in a similar fashion in the dimmer light.  It is important I think to realize that antique pieces speak eloquently of the period in which they were created and that they are transformed as they move through time.  They carry an ambience into the present, an ineffable quality that enriches our contemporary world. – Peter Carlson   

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Kat Murphy